Monday 2 November 2015

Reflection on BPT1501

My reflection on Unit 2-5

My best work for each module was not necessarily the discussion that ended up on the discussion forum. It was more of learning more about teaching and innovations on how to be an excellent teacher beyond what i already knew about teaching.

In Unit 2:

The Teacher as a Community Leader, the area of focus I enjoyed most was learning that the community has more effect on the learning of children. The discussion forum topic however was very informative.

Unit 3:

Teacher as a Knowledge worker ended up in a great discussion on teaching strategies, my most challenging exercise was getting to know the curriculum and what it entails. Curriculum's house vast rooms for improvement on what is expected of pupils and teachers.

Unit 4:

The teacher as a Resourceful Innovator was a great lesson and contained great discussions and assignments. I think it was a great unit that highlighted how teaching is changing and how teachers should change their teaching approach also.

The last unit, Unit 5:

The Teacher making a Difference, the most challenging this definitely is making this portfolio. I can only hope it clearly demonstrates what I have learned and my thought processes.


The discussion forums were very helpful in getting to know different thoughts and perspectives of different students. It was a great socializing tool and an ability to get to interact with fellow students that are so often lacking in distance learning. The discussion could be improved with more interaction from the Teaching Assistant.

Overall reflection

Throughout learning this module i learnt that the role of the teacher is a crucial one. We need to strike a balance between caring and warm but also professional and courteous. Teaching is one of the most difficult jobs because you are not dealing with numbers or files. You are working with a fellow human being and impacting on his or her life.


Being a Professional.

Being professional means to demonstrate behavior by responsible conduct and mature judgement. Therefore as an educator I shall ensure that I meet the standards of professionalism. First of all I shall demonstrate solid work ethics and have high expectations for myself and others. I shall speak with civility that is appropriate to the audience and respond correctly while demonstrating active listening skills. I shall display emotional stability, compassion and empathy. I shall be honest, trustworthy and dedicated to the welfare of others. Being professional also means that I must meet assigned expectations consistently and incorporate feedback I receive. In my professional practice I shall demonstrate respect for spiritual and cultural values and diversity.

I shall always have the students' best interest in mind and care for them through positive influence, professional judgement and empathy in practice. To me professionalism also means that I should act with integrity, honesty and reliability. My relationships with pupils will be built on trust and will embody fairness.


As a community worker I can teach English to young preschool children, participate in HIV education and do home visits to those who are poverty stricken. By ensuring that I educate the students in my class properly I deliver a service that makes the community a better place. A community needs people that does service to function well. As a teacher I have direct interaction with other members of the community and I can deliver a service that is critical for the community. A community needs teachers to pitch in to make the community a better place. Groups of educators and community members can work together toward common goals. This is becoming more commonplace in schools as good teachers strive for constant improvement in everything from creating lesson plans to changing school culture. They focus on subjects of interest: technology, improving reading scores, or project learning, for example. A group can be organized by subject, grade level, speciality, or any combination of topics that teachers believe need attention.

Teacher as a knowledge worker.

Teachers must keep up with rapid changes and developments. I must be able to engage and interact with a wide variety of information from ever increasing resources. I shall become a lifelong learner in an information society. I shall also develop strategies to engage with and work with and construct new knowledge. I need to be equipped with ever-increasing skills and competencies to manage this hyper-connected, knowledge environment in order to best prepare students for the 21st Century because they live in a world that is ever changing. Teachers are constantly challenged to develop their own thinking and practice to prepare students for active and successful participation in a knowledge society. I shall develop students who are effective knowledge workers and competent citizens for the future. I must have a high level of education, be motivated and possess factual information.


To be innovative I must use a combination of lecture-discussions, simulations, service learning, cooperative learning, visual media, role-playing, guest speakers, and debates in order to accommodate diverse learning styles, and present the subject from different angles to facilitate multiple intelligences of learners. I shall use authentic texts that engages learners in activities. The lessons I prepare will be innovative enough to include diverse learning and teaching styles. I always try to put an interesting twist on each lesson so that students look forward to coming to class. Students enjoy lessons that make them laugh, challenge them and when they can compete with each other to find an answer.


Teachers can make a difference one child at a time. I shall ascertain that each and every student understands and knows that he/she is unique and special. I shall ensure that the students know I believe in them and that they will be a success. It is important that educators focus on the positive and good the students do. I shall ensure that my students know they are loved by me and that I always have their best interest at heart. By accepting students as they are without fault finding I will gain their trust and make a positive difference in their lives. I will lend a hand to the students in need. I shall nurture the students' self esteem by guiding them to realise their unique strengths and talents. As a teacher I can inspire possibilities. I shall rather inspire learners to dream of the many possibilities of their future than to achieve. I will support learning in challenging times and instil hope of possibilities in their hearts.


I want to teach learners in a way that has some straightforward instruction, but also gives
learners room to grow and expand on their own. I feel it is beneficial for learners to sometimes work for the answer rather than being told because it stretches their knowledge and teaches them how to find information in a variety of ways. I also feel a key to success is for the class to work on projects to help others. As an educator, it is important not only to help the learners that you are teaching, but also give them direction to help others. Teaching is a lifelong learning process of learning about new philosophies and new strategies, learning from the parents and community, learning from colleagues, and especially learning from the children. Children have taught me to open my mind and my heart to the joys, the innocence, and the diversity of ideas in the world. Because of this, I will never forget how to smile with the new, cherish the old, and laugh with the children.

In my classroom, I want learners to have freedom that allows for expression and creativity.
learners should be able to experiment with likes and dislikes and to realize their strengths and weaknesses. After this base is developed, the curriculum can be structured to accommodate each learners’s learning style. I believe each and every child has the potential to bring something unique and special to the world. I will help children to develop their potential by believing in them as capable individuals. I will assist children in discovering who they are, so they can express their own opinions and nurture their own ideas. I have a vision of a world where people learn to respect, accept, and embrace the differences between us, as the core of what makes life so fascinating.

My classroom will be a caring, safe, and equitable environment where each child can blossom and grow. I will allow children to become responsible members of our classroom. My personal goal for my future classroom is to challenge learners and watch them grow to their full potential. I want to take students at different levels and see them develop together for the betterment of each individual. Every classroom presents a unique community of learners that varies not only in abilities, but also in learning styles. My role as a teacher is to give children the tools with which to cultivate their own gardens of knowledge. To accomplish this goal, I will teach to the needs of each child so that all learners can feel capable and successful. I will present curriculum that involves the interests of the children and makes learning relevant to life. I will incorporate themes, integrated units, projects, group work, individual work, and hands-on learning in order to make children active learners. Finally, I will tie learning into the world community to help children become caring and active members of society.

Teaching Learners Effectively

Mind Map

To teach learners in my classroom effectively I will create a classroom environment with a climate that is conducive and receptive for learning:

  • I will seek out new ways to develop a positive atmosphere in the class where learners are well-managed and motivated to learn. I will ensure that all learners feel a sense of belonging in the class group. 
  • I will also manage the physical environment of the classroom by organizing the space well and creating a physical layout that is accessible, comfortable and visibly attractive. 

To teach learners effectively educators must understand that the learners are the millennial generation;

  • The educator needs his/her self management to be successful. Educators must ensure that the classroom climate is conducive to teaching and learning. 
  • Learners must be guided to participate actively in their learning. 
  • Educators must take diversity of learners into consideration in order to teach effectively. 
  • Teachers must recognize the multiple intelligence of learners and guide them to reach their full potential 
  • Effective teaching must be inclusive to provide quality education to all learners. Technology must be used to help learners engage in learning.
  • I will facilitate learning and guide learners to participate actively in the learning process. 
  • I will make the learning tasks challenging for the learners and provide assistance while letting learners also learn for themselves
  • I will establish the multiple intelligence of learners and guide them to reach their full potential to become successful in life.
  • I will ascertain that the lessons I give is suited for a multicultural class. 
  • Learners are from different cultures and needs to respect all culture's beliefs and traditions. 
  • Learners will be treated equally and with respect. If I lead by example I will effectively teach the learners to live successfully in a multicultural society.

My self management will include having a vision, managing my approach to work and my work objectives. Having a vision will provide purpose and meaning and through my influence I will have a positive effect on the learners and the community. My approach to work and my work objectives will be directly aligned to my vision. This will be done by formulating objectives that will help me teach more effectively. To be an effective teacher I need to develop as an educator and have emotional intelligence.
My teaching will include inclusive education that provides quality education for learners with barriers as well. My lessons will have activities that will enhance learning and provide peers with opportunities to assist students with disabilities or learning barriers.
I am going to use technology as teaching tools to teach learners more effectively. My learning activities will engage learners in the use of technology in order to provide an environment for deep learning and understanding. This enables me to make learning more learner-centered.

Assignment 3 Observations

Observation report on Grade 8 and 9 at Tiisetsong Secondary School
I have included here my observations from my school visit and my visit letter.
For this project I spent my time at Tiisetsong Secondary School in Thokoza, Eastrand. It is a public school I attended and it is situated in my community. I spent 3 hours in a Grade 12 Mathematics revision class and two days observing a Grade 8 and Grade 9 class.
When I arrived at Tiisetsong I requested to make my report on a Mathematics class and was directed to Mr Masha who is the head of department for Mathematics who allocated me to Mrs Mavuso who is a Grade 8 and Grade 9 Mathematics teacher under the Headmaster Mrs C Mphafudi’s acceptance.
During my time at Tiisetsong I realized that teachers use many strategies in the classroom to accommodate everyone so that no one gets left behind. For most of my time there the teachers used direct instruction as the preferred method of teaching. For most of the day the teacher lectures their class, feeding them knowledge verbally, while making notes on the board and conveying their ideas in writing, this was mainly because the school was out of paper and could not make copies nor print. This was disappointing, even though this was the case it also did not affect learning the children seemed to be used to what was happening as the lessons continued and the students understood as the lesson was a very teacher-centred method but great for teaching learners skills that have to be built up step-by-step in mathematics and grammar. Indirect instruction is often encouraged after learners receive direct instruction and have absorbed a lot of information. An indirect teaching strategy is a very leaners-centred strategy. Students are encouraged to inquire on their own, do research, and learn to solve problems inductively and effectively on their own. The teacher act as facilitator for learning and recognises that no two learners are alike. Mrs. Mavuso provided reading material for Iearners but did not teach the learners on the content. She guided the learners with questions that will get them on the right track and observed their process of gathering and presenting new information. Indirect instruction help learners to express themselves and interpret information in their own way.
Interactive instruction evolved helped a lot of learners into working together with the teacher. Interactive methods include debates, interviews, roleplaying and oral assignments. During my time there the learners were preparing their projects, which included making a cartoon, each student seemed determined to get it done and present it to the class. Mrs. Mavuso had divided the class into groups of five and asked them to research different cartons and shapes and allocated each group a certain shaped cartoon to make. The groups were formed randomly which may be optimal as learners will often choose their friends. Separating friends encouraged individualily, responsibility and more conducive to learning in Mrs Mavuso’s class room.
Learning strategies
Excellency is meant to be awarded, by giving credit where needed we usually encourage learners to continue doing their best. This does not imply that teachers should bribe their students or give them material goods, offering a student more opportunities to succeed or expressing your pride and appreciation can be enough make a student pleased with their achievements than always giving credit to one specific learner who ace the whole class every time. Creativity is important in a learner, being given a chance to show the class a new method to work-out an equation allows them to process and articulate new ideas in ways to help them understand their own understanding. It helps them understand others and compare themselves to their peers. Another way to make learning fun is by making learning practical. Students will remember and value the information you give them if you reveal how knowledge can make a real difference to the students’ personal life.

My Best Discussion

A modern world of technology in the classroom.
How can technology enhance teaching and learning in the classroom?
The olden days when classroom teaching only meant blackboards, chalks, diagrams, maps and so on are gone. But now the modern classroom is very much different than those, now classrooms have adapted to the modern world of digital technology.
Educators are taking resort to the modern technology to enhance the interest of the students and to engage them in educational activities that will interest them to learn more, by doing this they have incorporated the technology of mobile devices and SMART classroom designs to engage the tech savvy generation of today.
Technology provides tools for active learning, among others—it is a means, not an end. Integrating technology into our pedagogy conjures reflection on our part as educators about moving away from the ways things have been done, to imagining the ways things ought to be done. How to make lessons more relevant, applied, practical, collaborative, connected, multidisciplinary, etc.
Technology can support and enhance your teaching and student learning in three central ways:
  1. It can expand the scope of classroom learning beyond the physical boundaries of the classroom (and also beyond inclusion of only teacher and learners)
  2. It can expand accessibility of, and engagement with, content and information
  3. It can expand the ways learners can demonstrate what they have learned
Suggest ways in which technology can be used to improve reading and writing in the classroom.

There are a few techniques incorporated into the teaching process which support this venture:
  • The Audio- Visual Media: Visual representation is always more appealing, especially with kids. With the boring black and white typography replaced or better complemented with the moving colourful objects and audio to make a learner listen, they will remember it better than just merely reading the text. Modern educators are using this audio-visual media instead of just text book learning. This helps learners learn faster and remember more than they used to with just reading a textbook. In addition, YouTube, the streaming media platform is providing a specialized channel designed for education where one can find the learning materials as well, this is also helpful as it incorporates a learner’s normal internet streaming to their learning area.
  • Use of Mobile Devices: Now in many schools, learners are provided with mobile devices like laptops, tablets and iPads which enhance the experience of education. Students can access net, read online materials and e-books, this helps the learner in faster learning process. Learners can access Educational applications through these devices which provides video lessons as well as a public directory of lessons to browse through.
  • Online Conversation with Experts from Outside: by having access to outside the classroom material learners are able to engage in conversations about their learning subject which is a great boost as it enhances also in understanding as there are able to gain more details on how to work out a subject without only relying on the teacher. Through online virtual platform and video chats learners can converse with the experts of the field, no matter in which part of the world they are. As all educator will agree that the interactive education helps a student more than the teaching. And if learners get the opportunity to take part in active interaction with the experts that will be extremely beneficial for them.
  • SMART Classroom Technology: SMART classroom technology means the collaboration of SMART board and the other devices and workstations that will help to boost the classroom activities. Learners will be able to work individually as well as by forming separate groups. The technology not only will contribute to the advancement of the learning process but to engage learners in group activities and educational activities as well.
  • Classroom Management: While investing on the modern technology to enhance learning experience, the authority of the institution should also take a note of the classroom management. When SMART classroom and mobile devices are used in the classroom, the authority needs to make sure the proper software of effective classroom management is at place. It will guarantee that the devices and technology are being used to enhance the learning in the classroom.

  • Technology Empowers the Teacher in Actuality: Before shunning the use of technology, teachers needs to realize that the technology actually does empower them. The vast platform of social media like Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler enable teachers to have better interaction with learners, both online and offline format. Educator can use the mobile apps to grade, evaluate the performance of the learners. It can also provide the database tom plan the lesson for the session.
  • Passive education can't help anyone, it is already proven. And in the digital era that we are living in, the younger generation is becoming more and more tech savvy. For their betterment we can always fuse learning with technology. It will not only help the students but will be beneficial for teachers as well.

Being A Professional Teacher Introduction

My name is Penelope and I am currently studying my first year of Bed Intermediate and Senior Phase.
This blog was created so that i can share my journey through completing an On-line module called BPT1501. The purpose of this portfolio is to outline what i have learnt in this module through the course of the semester and review on it. 
My portfolio consists of different discussions in which me and fellow students shared, my first school visit as a "observing teacher", the observations i made from my visit, my mission and philosophy.
i hope you enjoy my journey and experiences with me.


1. Introduction
2. Assignment 3 observations
3. My best discussion
4. Teaching Learners Effectively
5. Mission
 6. Reflection on BPT1501